Do you have a new puppy? If so, you may be interested in obtaining puppy health insurance. Since pet insurance for dogs doesn’t cover wellness visits, vaccinations, or pre-existing conditions, you can also purchase an optional add-on policy to cover wellness visits and vaccinations.
There are a variety of health insurance plans available. These insurance plans for your dog can assist you with paying for veterinarian costs should they become sick or be in an accident. Even though your dog may never get sick or injured, having a pet health insurance plan can assist you with addressing unforeseen veterinarian costs.
Were you aware that there are 46.3 million households in the United States that have a dog included as a member of their family? Most of these dogs come from family members and acquaintances. However, 28% of American households purchase their dogs from breeders. Other families, around 29%, choose to adopt their dogs from shelters and rescue centers.
In order to provide the best care possible for their dogs and other pets, people in the United States spend a considerable amount of money. Every year, $20.46 billion is spent on food, $12.56 billion is spent on pet supplies and over-the-counter medications, and $13.59 billion is spent on veterinarian care.
The cost of veterinarian visits, especially when they are unexpected, may be reduced with pet insurance plans. Even when your new puppy, older, or senior dog may be healthy, you will still have concerns about maintaining their health and wellness.
If you’re planning to get a new puppy, you’ve probably already purchased a nice, soft bed for them to sleep in as well as toys for them to play with. You may also have puppy-friendly food and treats waiting for them in your kitchen.
Taking a few minutes to explore your puppy health insurance options should be one of the next things that you do. When you contact a pet health insurance company, you can obtain information on pet insurance and find out how it works. You can also discuss available pet health insurance plans and additional pet wellness plans that cover vaccinations.