Are you considering adopting a dog or a cat? Pets can be a wonderful addition to any household, but before you bring one home, it is important to consider all the responsibilities of pet ownership. Aside from providing them with affection, food, and water, it will be up to you to take them to the vet for checkups to protect them and any other animals who come in contact with them. Over time, this can result in many decisions about how best to balance your budget while still giving your pet the best possible quality of life.
One of the best decisions you can make is neutering or spaying a cat or dog that you’re bringing into your home. The cost of this surgery may seem daunting at first, but in reality, it is much cheaper than caring for litter after litter of puppies or kittens. Moreover, aside from the financial benefit, neutering/spaying has many health benefits for both dogs and cats, as well:
- Spayed animals live longer. Neutering or spaying a dog has been proven to increase his or her lifespan by 1 to 3 years. For cats, the benefit is even more pronounced: neutering or spaying a cat can increase his or her lifespan by as much as 3 to 5 years.
- Neutering and spaying help prevent cancer. If the surgery is performed before your male pet is six months old, neutering has been shown to help prevent the development of testicular cancer. For female animals, spaying helps prevent urinary tract infections and breast cancer, which are often fatal.
- It eases behavioral issues. Neutered male cats and dogs, in particular, are much less likely to stray from home. Spayed or neutered cats and dogs are also easier to train, less distracted, and generally calmer, and they aren’t as likely to wail, mark territory, or make unwanted sexual advances. For owners, this makes the pets much more fun to have around!
As you can see, one of the most important first steps after adopting a pet (or pets) is to find an affordable pet clinic to spay or neuter your animal friends. Thankfully, the veterinary field is wide and diverse — you can choose from traditional vet offices or more specialized cat clinics and dog clinics. There are also activist groups who provide support to anyone interested in neutering or spaying a cat or dog. No matter where you go, your pets will thank you in the long run!